21 May 2013


After a month of interviewing people to try to replenish my staff of employees, i have complied the following advice for anyone going in to interview for a new job.

jennifer's interview tips:

*Don't wear a hoodie.
*Zip up your fly.
*When asked if you have any questions for me, don't say, "So, when do I start training?"
*Spit out your wad of gum.
*Be on time.
*Don't wear distressed jeans-- and then apologize for not wearing a skirt.
*Don't say "I'm too old to be around students. Oh wait, are you a student?"
*Dry your hair before coming to your interview.
*Don't put "LDS Laurel, Mia Maid, and Beehive class president" on your resume.
*When asked to tell about a time you had to deal with conflict on the job between a coworker or boss, don't say, "I have way too many examples."
*Don't say, "I left my last job because my boss kept telling me what I was doing wrong and it was very frustrating."

Yes, all of these things really happened as i was interviewing. No, none of these people were offered a position.


7aura7 said...

Wow. Hiring and firing would be a nightmare.

Tara Johnson said...

Are you kidding me??? The things I have to look forward to when we start hiring office staff.

The Purple Assassin. said...

Wonder people speak such stuff in their interviews!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOL yes these would not be reccomended. I love these - it makes it all the more funnier that they actually happened! Have a wonderful holiday weekend my friend.