25 April 2016

26.2 X 4

I ran my fourth marathon last Saturday. Mr B ran the half. I was inspired by an internet meme to tell the story of running a marathon a little differently. So, here is my SLC marathon...emoji style.

The Week of the Marathon

The Night Before the Marathon

The Morning Of the Marathon


Getting to the Starting Line

Waiting in Line for a Port-a-Potty

Waiting in Line for a Port-a-Potty Again

Just to be Safe, Waiting in Line for a Port-a Potty a Third Time
Waiting for the Race to Start

Crossing the Starting Line

Mile 1

Mile 2

5K Down!

Mile 4

Mile 5

10K Down!

Mile 7

Mile 8

Reaction to the signs that say "You're Almost There!"

Mile 9

Mile 10

Mile 12

Realizing I'm only halfway there

Mile 14

Mile 15

Realizing I have 10 more miles

Mile 17

Mile 18

Mile 19

Realizing I still have a 10K to go

Mile 21

Mile 22

Realizing I still have a 5K to go

Mile 24

One Mile to Go!

Mile 26

Seeing the Finish Line

Crossing the Finish Line

Getting my Finisher Medal

In the Finisher's Corral

The rest of my day