08 May 2011

Should've written about this myself

My boss sent me this link. He said "It's like it was written by you." i feel conflicted about this. First, i am BEYOND flattered that he felt i could have written something like this. Second, i am so upset that i haven't and have to link to someone else's blog.

Reguardless, everything that this girl says, i whole-heartedly agree with. When Shakespeare wrote, "What's in a name?" he obviously hadn't heard the atrocities that parents are naming their children these days.

Rexburg Baby Names

Enjoy her post. And i highly encourage you to read back to the posts she has about names from previous years. And if any of my followers name their future posterity from this list, i may have to block you from my blog.

P.S. As it is Mother's Day, i feel that i should take a moment to acknowledge mine:
Dear Mother,
Thank you for not only naming me "Jennifer" but for spelling it correctly. Heaven forbid i should be "Ginnyphyr" or something likewise ridiculous.


sherry wadsworth said...

Thank you Jennifer. It was your dad's job to name our children. I figured since I had to go through the pregnancy, he could at least come up with the names. But I did have to step in when he wanted to name our son Ian Pace (after the drummer in Deep Purple). I didn't think IP Wads (short for Wadsworth) would be the best thing to have written in his Junior High PE/gym shorts.


Katie C. said...

Treygon?! That's awful. You SHOULD have written that!

Jessie said...

Thanks for the link!

And I had the exact same conversation with my mom yesterday! "Thanks for naming me Jessica/Jessie. It might not have been THE most original choice of the decade, but at least it is perfectly respectable, and spelled correctly." Did you see the "Jesee" there on my list? Ugh.

A little off topic- but your name, and talking about weird names reminded me. My grandma went to school with a girl named Jennifer, but she went by Nifer for short. My sisters and I thought that was the funniest thing ever, unless YOU go by Nifer, in which case I think it is a wonderful name.

7aura7 said...

Tee-hee! Those were great. I know 8 children with names on that list. And yes, I shuddered inwardly when I was told their name.

This "trendy naming" fad has to stop! Then Stephanie Meyer goes and makes it trendy to name your children sensible names... GAHHH! Curse you Meyer!

When I told one friend in California my little boy's name, she said "Oh I love it! It's so Twilight!" I just about screamed.

Grace said...

I recently met a women in my ward whose son's name is Legend. Talk about high expectations.

P.S. I'm uber-glad Tayvin didn't make it to the list because I might have to smack Jeremy around, and he'd just laugh at me.

Grace said...

Oh, and a girl who is in my Laurel's class is Teighlor, pronounced like Taylor. Her Mom said she wanted to use the spelling of neighbor, so I can kinda see it, but I when I saw her name on my roster I had to ask who it was, I couldn't even process the spelling.

Raven Lee said...

LOL, I love it! I swear, back when I was younger no one had trouble spelling Crystal, but now when I tell someone my name they always spell it 'Kristale' or some variation. They try to do this with my daughter's names too! I always have to say, 'no it's just Crystal, like the glass.' So simple, yet apparently so difficult.