“Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.” W. H. Auden

“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.” Victor Borg

“We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.” Agnes Repplier

Enjoy a peak into a few moments that I found hilarious. I hope that they make you laugh too!
*Scene: Discussing budgeting for next month and cutting down miscellaneous expenses
Me: “We need to make sure to set aside something to buy you a new pair of pants.”
Hubby: “Oh. Shoot.”
Me: “What?”
Hubby: “I was hoping to get some new accounting software instead.”
Me: “Pants are a necessity. Computer software isn’t.”
Hubby: “Not necessarily!”
Me: “Going to go pantless, are you?”
*Scene: Shopping for above mentioned pair of pants for Jacob. He has just exited the dressing room trying a new pair of jeans. I’m hoping to get him to wear his jeans more fitted.
Me: “Would you be comfortable wearing a pair that is a little tighter?”
Hubby (with panicked look on his face): “Tighter where!?!”
*Scene: An exchange via text when I’m on the shuttle on the way home from work.
Me: “We are leaving Blackfoot now.”
Hubby: “K”
Me: “Shoot! Just realized we forgot to change our address with Netflix.”
Hubby: “Oh. Right.”
Me: “Someone on the bus just said they cut off commissioning officers at 31 years old.”
Hubby: “No.”
Me: “Wow! We’re late today! You there?”
Hubby: “Yes”
Me: “Shuttle is almost there. Just jumped onto I86.”
Hubby: “K”
Me: “Do you know your responses to my texts are never more than 3 words? :)”
Hubby: “I never have”
Hubby: “claimed to be”
Hubby: “a good texter”
*Scene: I honestly don’t remember because the following conversation made me forget everything that had happened before.
Me: “Are you sure?”
Hubby: “Sure as shit.”
VERY awkward pause
Me: “I’m glad you are so regular.”
Hubby: “I don’t know WHERE that came from and I don’t want to talk about it.”
*Scene: Making sure Jacob was ok if I posted these convos.
Me: “Are you alright if I put that on my blog?”
Hubby: “Ok, as long as I am anonymous.”
Me: “So I should just say, ‘My husband, who wishes to remain anonymous, said…’”
My husband, who wishes to remain anonymous: “Sure!”
Bahaha! You know... whenever I write out funny things that Scott and I say and I read it again, I wonder if the hilariousness comes across. You don't have to worry about that!
*snort* tanner came running from the other room when I read this because I fell out of my chair laughing (so hard I couldn't breathe) and he thought I was having a seizure!!!
Bahaha! Sorry, I had to copy Katie because that was exactly how I laughed when I read this! You guys are hilarious.
Haha! You guys are so cute! Love it! :)
That was hilarious! You sure have one funny hubby.
hahaha you crack me up!!!!! That was an awesome post! :) I'm so glad we still have blogs when I move
:'D Tears here! You're killing me guys!!
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