Is it? Probably. But most of the time i just feel overwhelmed.
As the spring lingered colder, wetter and longer than usual (or so i thought) i vowed to myself that if the sun would just come out and the weather warm up, i would be perfectly content. Well, come the sun did, but my happiness did not come with least, not without a little effort. As the summer moved in, i decided to try harder to be happier. This is what i did:
*Read my scriptures more faithfully. Amazing what peace that brings into life.
*Planted flowers.
*Read Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. NOTHING makes me realize the beauty in the world and the beauty in living as much as that book does. It brings me back to earth. And it fills my heart and head with poetry. In fact, i might have to read it every month this summer.
And, i started taking pictures when i felt happy (and consciously realized it) of what was making me happy. i was surprised how fast i filled my iPhone with pictures...and how flipping through them later made me just as happy as i felt in that moment. i was also surprised at the simplicity of the cause of my happiness. In other words, i found joy in the little things going on in my life: our garden, the birds, being with Jacob, driving in the car together, fresh laundry on the line, and the beautiful country in which we live.
It's kind of a picture overload, but here are some of my favorite snapshots over the last couple of weeks.
I love the things that make you happy! Beautiful pictures, by the way.
Things that make me happy: I love reading your posts. I love your taste in literature. I love your iphone pictures. I love your bicycle. I love you! Thank you for that very cheer inducing blog!
Awesome pictures, thanks for sharing. And very cute zebra striped shoes =)
It looks like the things that make you happy make me happy too! I'm glad you have sweet little things to make life better.
It really is the little things that bring the most joy I think! Love your pictures - Your new house is so so cute! And so are you and Jake! :)
<3 Life is hard and being happy is a lot harder...thanks for the reminder to find joy despite the worry!
I love your shoes :)
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