The Week of the Marathon
The Night Before the Marathon
The Morning Of the Marathon
Getting to the Starting Line
Waiting in Line for a Port-a-Potty
Waiting in Line for a Port-a-Potty Again
Just to be Safe, Waiting in Line for a Port-a Potty a Third Time
Waiting for the Race to Start
Crossing the Starting Line
Mile 1
Mile 2
5K Down!
Mile 4
Mile 5
10K Down!
Mile 7
Mile 8
Reaction to the signs that say "You're Almost There!"
Mile 9
Mile 10
Mile 12
Realizing I'm only halfway there
Mile 14
Mile 15
Realizing I have 10 more miles
Mile 17
Mile 18
Mile 19
Realizing I still have a 10K to go
Mile 21
Mile 22
Realizing I still have a 5K to go
Mile 24
One Mile to Go!
Mile 26
Seeing the Finish Line
Crossing the Finish Line
Getting my Finisher Medal
In the Finisher's Corral
The rest of my day