In twenty-15:
i read 64 books. i ran my first full marathon (then ran two more after that). i hiked 98 miles. i buried my little parakeet. i rode a camel through Petra, Jordan. i fell in love
with family history. i watched a meteor shower, several thunderstorms and an
eclipse. i became the Aunt of a wonderful new nephew. i took a three day
backpacking trip through back country Yellowstone. i spoke at a coworker’s
funeral. i visited Cedar Breaks National Monument. i lost both of my big
toenails. i learned how to make red velvet cake. i started a new journal. i visited my ancestor’s graves (back four generations).
i made Thanksgiving dinner for my dad. i floated in the Dead Sea. i watched or listened to almost every single BYU Football game. i made and canned
choke cherry syrup, pear jam and applesauce. i saw 40 different waterfalls. i became a Brene Brown fanatic. i helped plant
a garden. i attended devotional at BYU-Idaho almost every Tuesday. i ran 6 half
marathons. i wandered over and under the streets of Jerusalem. i attended an
outdoor symphony production of “Fantasia.” i didn’t buy a single pair of
stilettos. i memorized the serenity prayer. i hired and trained 15 employees.
i took family names all the way through the
temple. i went kayaking for the first time. i facilitated a 12-Step Women's Trauma Recovery group. i soaked in a natural hot spring in the middle of the
night in the middle of back country Yellowstone with the full blue moon above
me. i painted my nails almost every single week. i spent a day hiking through
Bryce Canyon. i attended General Conference for the first time. i kissed a man
with a mustache. i chaired two “youth culture” events for the International
Dance and Music Festival. i prayed on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. i picked boxes and boxes of apples. i ran 250 racing miles this season. i started
teaching a Sunday School class. i cut down my own Christmas tree.
i turned 30 years old. i talked to
my niece on FaceTime at least 3 times a week. i rarely missed a week of
attending the temple. i went scuba diving in the Red Sea. i developed a relationship with an amazing
man (outcome TBD). i got a goldfish for my office. i trail ran around Jenny
Lake in Teton National Park. i spent two
weeks in the middle east. i finished reading the Bible from cover to cover. i did yoga on the top of the double O Arch in Moab, Utah. i reorganized my entire
bookcase by color. i paid off my Mini Cooper. i fell during a night run and
turned both of my legs black and blue with bruises. i went cross country skiing in -14 degree weather.
i wrote 49 blog posts. i drank tea in front of a fire at a Bedouin
camp in the middle of the Wadi Rum, Jordan. i danced in the rain. i grew
infinitely more patient. i ran three ultra relays (upwards of 35 miles each
time). i got addicted to the Strawberry Starburst Freeze at Taco Bell. i watched my parents go through a divorce. i took way too many selfies. i hit my
seven year anniversary of working for the Salt Lake Express. i raced in 4
different states. i propagated almost
all of my houseplants. i fought off IT band tendinitis as well as shin splints. i became known for my intricate braids.
Ok, twenty-16, let's see what you've got. Bring it on. Let's do this.
See you on the flip side.