i've always been a fan of bucket lists. A way to dream and wish and imagine. Some things will get crossed off and some ideas are far-fetched. It's fun to believe that some day i will complete every thing on my bucket list.
This is not a bucket list. This is a "To-Do" list. As in, i MUST do these things. And there is a time limit; i have two years (less two days). They are in no particular order. i will post developments as i go.
30 BEFORE 30
2- Visit one place on my bucket list in country
7- Finish a twin sized quilt
8- Master making delicious sushi
11- Take the GRE
12- Go skydiving
14- Go vegetarian for a month
15- Transfer my entire music collection to digital format
17- Do a yoga headstand
20- Print out a copy of my novel
23- Clean and organize every drawer, every cupboard and every box in my house
25- Get rid of gossiping
26- Learn to do a loud two finger whistle
What would you have on your list?