17 May 2012


"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." -John Lennon

Regardless, I still whole heartedly believe in making plans, and especially plans for your life. I also believe that "life plans" don't always need to focus on families, careers, financial security, and spiritual preparedness. Be a little selfish sometimes!! In other words, make a bucket list and then...as impractical or silly as some of those things may seem...dream about finishing it. Even better...DO IT!! Here is my bucket list (in no particular order).

**Updated: What is crossed off, i have accomplished since i wrote this list!***

JO's Bucket List:
*Hike Machu Picchu
*Drive a motorcycle
*Backpack across Europe
*Read the Bible from cover to cover
*Ride in a hot air balloon
*Get a cap on my peg lateral
*Drive from coast to coast (staying at Motel 6s and eating at diners if at all possible)
*Get scuba certified
*Make a pilgrimage
*Solve the Rubik's Cube
*Sleep on an overnight train
*Earn a PhD
*Read every book in my library
*Museum hop in New York (MoMA, Met, Guggenheim)
*Hike the Appalachian Trail
*Participate in a flash mob
*Visit the San Diego Zoo
*Rock a right hand solitaire (no less than a carat, please!) **Although it's not a solitaire, i now rock a gorgeous diamond right hand ring!
*Ride an elephant
*Achieve my ideal weight **i love myself no matter what my weight now. My ideal weight=exactly what i weigh right now!
*Live on all habitable continents
*Beat Jacob at Texas Hold 'Em
*Visit the seven "new" wonders of the world: Machu Picchu, Peru (already on list); the Coliseum, Rome; Petra, Jordan (CHECK!); Christ Redeemer, Brazil; The Great Wall of China; Chichen Itza, Mexico (CHECK!); The Taj Mahal, India
*See a show on Broadway
*Have a 2 year supply of food storage
*Spend a week at yoga retreat OR silent retreat
*Paint something that I would hang in my house
*Ride in a helicopter
*Visit Hogwarts :)
*Have a follower on my blog that I've never met
*Ride a camel
*Get Lasik surgery
*Learn a new word every day for an entire year
*Go to a midnight premier of a movie
*Have my hair styled at a salon that charges ridiculous fees (because it's THAT good)
*Write my life story
*Attend a masquerade

Things I would love to say that I've done, but not enough to actually do them:
*Run a marathon I DID IT!!!!
*Own a bookstore
*Play a game of Monopoly until the very end
*Get a tattoo
*Dive with sharks
*Have my name changed to be all lowercase letters

Things that were on my bucket list that are now completed (wooohooo):
*Be a beautiful bride
*Get a pixie cut
*Master a foreign language
*Fly first class
*Take an art class in an actual art museum
*Learn to drive a stick shift
*Live in Paris
*Swim with dolphins
*Graduate from college
*Paint a room in my house black
*Kiss the Blarney Stone

"Live as well as you dare." -Sydney Smith